“Is Life Meaningful or Meaningless?” – a message from Ecclesiastes 1

This past weekend at Eastbrook, I began our new preaching series “The Skeptic’s Guide to Life with God: Ecclesiastes” by preaching a message entitled “Is Life Meaningful or Meaningless?” from Ecclesiastes 1.

You can find the message outline and video below. You can access the entire series here. Join us for weekend worship in-person or remotely via Eastbrook at Home.

“I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” (Ecclesiastes 1:14)

Background on Ecclesiastes

The type of literature Ecclesiastes is

The author of Ecclesiastes

The framing of Ecclesiastes

The searching of Ecclesiastes

Is Life Meaningless? (Ecclesiastes 1:2-11)

The meaning of hebel

  • literally: “vapor” or “breath”
  • figuratively: “meaningless,” “empty,” “fleeting,” or “vanity”

A series of considerations of what can seem meaningless or fleeting:

  • Toil and the weariness that comes from it
  • The rise and fall of generations
  • Longing for more (greed)
  • Things come and go
  • Being forgotten after death 
  • Examples of life’s brevity even in nature

Creating or Discovering Meaning (Ecclesiastes 1:12-18)

Searching for knowledge and wisdom can feel meaningless

The difference between creating meaning and discovering meaning

Discovering the One who holds meaning (John 1:1-5)

Dig Deeper

This week dig deeper in one or more of the following ways:

  • Consider reading through the book of Ecclesiastes in one sitting to get a sense of what the entire flow of the book is about. 
  • As we approach this series, what are some of your biggest questions about life, God, and life with God? Maybe you could write them down and discuss them with others.
  • Explore some of the following resources:

“Beware of Leaving the Way” – a message from 2 Peter 2, verses 10b-22

This past weekend at Eastbrook, I continued our series “Growing in Faith: Exploring 2 Peter” by preaching a message entitled “Beware of Leaving the Way” from verses 10b-22 of 2 Peter 2. This message continues the tough yet pastoral guidance of the author throughout chapter 2.

You can find the message outline and video below. You can access the entire series here. Join us for weekend worship in-person or remotely via Eastbrook at Home.

“They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Bezer, who loved the wages of wickedness” (2 Peter 2:15)

False Guides Pursuing a Crooked Way (2 Peter 2:10b-16)

These false guides view themselves as above angelic beings but are more like animals (2:10b-12)

These false guides are overcome by sinful passion and love of money (2:13-14)

These false guides are a lot like Balaam (2:15-16; Numbers 22:1-41)

False Guides Chasing a Way that is Dark and Doomed (2 Peter 2:17-22)

Their way offers no nourishment but entices people to desire that leads to darkness (2:17-18)

Their way promises freedom but is another prison which has mastered them (2:19)

Their way departs from the way of righteousness, leading to a worse end (2:20-21)

Their way is like a dog returning to vomit or a clean pig wallowing in the mud (2:22)

An Invitation to Jesus’ Way of Truth and Righteousness  (2 Peter 2:2, 15, 21)

The way of Jesus (2:2, 15, 21)

Centered on Jesus (1:16-18; 2:1)

Resist false teaching and hold to the truth delivered in Scripture (1:19-21; 2:2, 21)

Resist sin and become more like God revealed in Christ (1:3-11; 2:21)

Dig Deeper

This week dig deeper in one or more of the following ways:

“Beware False Guides” – a message from 2 Peter 2, verses 1-10a

This past weekend at Eastbrook, we continued our preaching series entitled “Growing in Faith: Exploring 2 Peter.” I preached a message entitled “Beware False Guides” from verses 1-10a of the second chapter of the letter.

You can find the message outline and video below. You can access the entire series here. Join us for weekend worship in-person or remotely via Eastbrook at Home.

“But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.” (2 Peter 2:1a)

The Rebuke of False Guides (2 Peter 2:1-3)

False guides deny the authority of Jesus as Lord (2:1, 10a)

False guides indulge in sexual desire at odds with Christ (2:2)

False guides bring the way of Christ into disrepute (2:2b)

False guides cloak their exploitive greed in religious trappings (2:3a)

False guides are setting themselves up for destruction (2:3)

Three Examples of Divine Judgment and Two of Divine Rescue (2 Peter 2:4-8)

3 Examples of Divine Judgment: 

  • The angels (sons of God) and the daughters of men (2:4; Genesis 6:1-4)
  • The flood on the ungodly (2:5a; Genesis 6:5-17)
  • Sodom and Gomorrah burned (2:6; Genesis 19:1-29)

2 Examples of Divine Rescue:

  • Noah and his 7 family members from the floodwaters (2:5b; Genesis 6:8-10, 13-18)
  • Lot (2:7-8; Genesis 19:1-29)

Judgment and Rescue Now (2 Peter 2:9-10a)

God will rescue the godly

God will hold the unrighteous to account

God will especially deal with the false teachers

Making It Real

Upholding apostolic teaching

Avoid false guides

Live in light of the end

Dig Deeper

This week dig deeper in one or more of the following ways:

  • Memorize 2 Peter 2:9
  • Our passage for this week focuses a lot on false teaching that may lead us astray. Take some time to reflect on what you think might be false teaching in our own day. Write some of your ideas down. Prayerfully ask God if there are any ways you have been led astray by this or other false teaching. If he brings something to mind, confess it to God and ask God to lead you in true ways.
  • If you haven’t already, consider watching the Bible Project overview videos on 2 Peter: https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/2-peter/
  • You may also want to dig deeper into a commentary on this passage or the book as a whole. Consider exploring:
    • Richard Bauckham, Jude-2 Peter in the Word Biblical Commentary series
    • Douglas J. Moo, Jude, 2 Peter in the NIV Application Commentary series

“A Little Reminder” – a message from 2 Peter 1, verses 12-21, by Nic Fridenmaker

This past weekend at Eastbrook, we continued our preaching series entitled “Growing in Faith: Exploring 2 Peter.” This weekend, Pastor Nic Fridenmaker preached this fourth message of the series entitled “A Little Reminder” from 2 Peter 1:12-21.

You can find the message outline and video below. You can access the entire series here. Join us for weekend worship in-person or remotely via Eastbrook at Home.

“For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:21)

A Reminder – Part One (1:12-15)

Know Truth

Stick with the Truth

One More Reminder – Part Two (1:16-18)



A Coronation?

Yet Another Reminder – Part Three (1:19-21)

Prophets & Prophecy


It’s about Jesus

Final Reminder – Part Four

It’s about Jesus

Dig Deeper

This week dig deeper in one or more of the following ways:

  • Re-Read through all of 2 Peter in one sitting this week with an eye towards Jesus. What new ways does this Book speak to you? How can the understanding of Jesus at the center expand your thoughts on what Peter was teaching?
  • Consider exploring:

A Prayer for the Road of Life with Jesus

“Let the dawn bring news
of Your unfailing love
for I put my trust in You.
Show me the road
that I must travel
for You to relieve my heart.” (Psalm 143:8, NJB)

“Jesus said, ‘I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me.” (John 14:6, Message)

You who have called me to follow You,
take me into Your Road—Your Way.
Lead me away from other ways
that I might find Your truth and Your life
as I walk within Your road.

I admit that many times I seek Your life
apart from Your Road,
doing damage to my own soul and others
by trying to calm new wine into old wineskins.

Forgive me, LORD, and show me again
the Road that I must travel
to find Your peace, Your truth, and Your life.

Open my eyes when I become blind.
Open my ears when I become deaf.
Guide my feet when I lose my bearings.
And strengthen my heart when I lose courage.

I am Yours, and I rest in Your road
and Your truth and Your life.