Jesus and the Canaanite Woman

This past weekend at Eastbrook, Pastor Ruth Carver continued our preaching series, “Who Do You Say I Am?”, by exploring the story of Jesus and the Canaanite Woman in Matthew 15:21-28. This is both a fascinating and challenging text, which at face value may seem like Jesus is hard and ethnocentric, but actually brings a special look into God’s sovereign plan of salvation and the nature of faith.

This message is part of the sixth part of our longer series on Matthew, which includes “Family Tree,” “Power in Preparation,” “Becoming Real,” “The Messiah’s Mission,” and “Stories of the Kingdom.”

You can find the message video and outline below. You can also view the entire series here. Join us for weekend worship in-person or remotely via Eastbrook at Home.

Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. (Matthew 15:28)

The Request
• A Canaanite woman asks Jesus to heal her daughter.
• Jesus is off duty, needing rest.
• Woman is a representative of Israel’s enemy; she is “other”.

The Delay
• Jesus is silent.
• Jesus educates his disciples.
• Jesus tests the woman.
• The woman demonstrates her faith and perception.

The Answer
• Jesus heals the woman’s daughter.
• The woman gets a preview of God’s offer of salvation to the Gentiles.
• The disciples become prepared for the Great Commission.

Have Great Faith like the Canaanite Woman!
• Great faith is bold.
• Great faith involves our emotions.
• Great faith is persistent.
• Great faith is humble.
• Great faith involves our minds.

Dig Deeper:

Take one day to reflect on each of the five aspects of the Canaanite woman’s “great faith” this next week. Let the Holy Spirit show you how your faith can grow in these areas.

Day 1: Great faith is bold. (Eph 3:12, Heb 4:16)

Day 2: Great faith involves our emotions. (Psalm 6:6, Luke 7:44-48)

Day 3: Great faith is persistent. (Luke 18:1-8, Hebrews 12:1-3)

Day 4: Great faith is humble. (Isaiah 66:1-2, James 4:10)

Day 5: Great faith involves our minds. (Romans 1:20, 1 Cor 14:15, 2 Cor 10:3-5)

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